Since Free Will is the basis for all human activity, then it follows that Free Will must also be the basis for the creation of, and legitimation of, the State. Expanding on thoughts from Phillip Bobbitt’s “Shield of Achilles”:
Dynastic Succession, that is, the automatic succession to leadership based upon lineage = “a blind allocation system” or “a choice by society not to actually choose.” Examples of blind choice – kings, juries, the Dalai Lama, and persons born to wealth and power.
Drawing Lots = a random choice, considered to allow God’s will to be done without Man’s influence.
Sufferage = voting by citizens, may be popular, electoral, or representative.
The question becomes, which method of choosing leadership provides for the greatest action of Free Will? It would have to be that method which provides the individual with the greatest possible influence on decisions directly and indirectly affecting his Life, Liberty, and Property, all of which he mush have to provide for the needs and wants of himself, his family and his community. Sufferage seems to best fit that criteria. However, there are questions that arise, such as:
Who can vote?
Only Heads of Households, only property owners, only citizens of majority age, everyone who is a resident, everyone regardless of position or property ownership or citizenship or residency?
How do we vote?
Only by mail, only at designated polling places, with identification papers or without identification papers, by computer or by paper ballot?
For what or whom do we vote?
How do we provide security and accountability at the polling place, and in the place where ballots are counted?
How do we prevent fraud?
Rules protecting sufferage must be simple, well-defined, and designed to best provide for each designated voter to have his or her say in the process of governing. We should exercise Free Will in working towards creating a Constitutionally Correct method of voting in our respective States.
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